"My State" Thematic Unit

Getting Started


Over the next two weeks, this unit will focus on the state of Missouri. The unit will cover math, social studies, language arts and science.  Students will learn about their state’s history in each subject of their day! Throughout the lesson students will compile a notebook which details their “journey through Missouri”! At the end of the unit, the students will have a concrete product to turn in.


First, as a classroom, brainstorm and create a chart of things detailing what it is your classroom would like to learn about the state of Missouri. Also, brainstorm various cities you’d like to focus on, resources you could use to dive deeper into Missouri history such as museums, nature sanctuaries, cultural centers, libraries, etc. Keep this list of ideas handy to reference back to throughout the unit.


Next, introduce the anchor text, Missouri by Rita Ladoux. Read this book to the students or have students read in peer groups. Pose questions, share stories and discuss related information.


Lastly, introduce the notebooks the students will use to create their book. These notebooks can be created by the students if desired or purchased. The students should begin their chapters (Basics, Geography, People, Fun Facts). Students should begin their first chapter by creating a collage, drawing or writing the state bird, state song, state tree, state motto, etc.